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Amy Upton

AIA, LEED Fellow, Fitwel Ambassador

Principal, Director of Environmental Design

“To guide everybody to recognize the value of sustainable design.”

  • Master of Architecture, Arizona State University
  • Bachelor of Science, University of Maryland School of Architecture
  • Next Gen Mentor, nbi's Getting to Zero Cohort

As Grimm + Parker’s Director of Environmental Design, and a recipient of the U.S. Green Building Council’s prestigious LEED Fellow recognition, Amy not only guides the firm’s sustainable design services from initial planning through final completion, she also spearheads environmental literacy programs for school projects that continue years after the buildings’ ribbons are cut.

For nearly 20 years, Amy has had a key role in the design and construction of more than 85 LEED-certified, IgCC, Zero Energy, and Green Globes projects. She has become adept at balancing cutting-edge sustainability practices, operational logistics, and the demystification of the green design process for both the firm and its clients. An active USGBC National Captiol Region Member, Amy volunteers in planning conferences, summits, and events focusing on Green Schools. 

From leading tours so clients can understand sustainable high-performance systems and materials design, to setting up sustainable scavenger hunts and, to giving student demonstrations on the benefits of gardening and recycling programs, to by captaining annual Green Apple Days of Service, to being the carbon reduction Ambassador of Grimm + Parker’s AIA 2030 Commitment — Amy’s passion for a sustainable future doesn’t stop when a building is finished. It’s a pursuit that lasts a lifetime. 

Amy can often be found outdoors: water coloring, biking on the National Mall, trail running, or playing board games.